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Student Council Run

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First and second grade students in Karen McNulty’s class practiced their class representative speeches in advance of a vote for their participation on the Woodhull Student Council.

Ms. McNulty guided students prior to each speech on how to present themselves as candidates who not only bring something special, but who embody the characteristics strived for at Woodhull Elementary – safe, respectful, responsible and kind.

One by one, the students practiced their speeches in front of their peers, who then asked clarifying questions to strengthen each student’s meaning when they declared themselves as “good listeners,” “always ready for action,” “helpful with teamwork” and good “role model.”

“Without a doubt, these Woodhull students demonstrate the qualities we would all want in a leader,” Ms. McNulty said. ”This class is positioned to be well-represented in student council this year.”

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 10/16/2023