Groundhog Study

Four students holding up paper plate art to the camera. thumbnail254829
Woodhull's prekindergarten students are taking the spotlight this month as they showcased their artistic talents while exploring the fascinating world of groundhogs.

With brushes, crayons and glue in hand, these young artists captured the spirit of Groundhog Day, depicting adorable groundhogs and scenes from this beloved tradition. Through their creative endeavors, they not only learned about the role of groundhogs in forecasting the arrival of spring but also discovered the significance of this annual celebration on Feb. 2.

As they proudly displayed their masterpieces, the students spread joy and excitement into the main office and around the building. Their artwork served as a vibrant reminder of the wonder and magic found in the changing seasons, inspiring us all to embrace the spirit of Groundhog Day and eagerly await the promise of spring.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 2/6/2024